Friday, September 5, 2008

WWII and Roblox

This morning Alexander woke up and right away started playing Roblox, which is an online game that allows you to build your own games with Lego type materials. Then, multiple people can join in on playing your game and/or chat with you.

Since he sits at the laptop next to mine at the dining room table, I always get to hear all of the wonderful Roblox adventures he experiences while playing alone, with his sister or with his best friend who calls on the phone so they can talk and play. With the speaker phone on, they play for hours or until one of the phone batteries dies.

Anyhow, this morning Alexander found a room titled WWII: Tunisia. He said "Mom, this doesn't look like WWII." We thought maybe someone had made a mistake when they created the game because it looked more like Iraq or something. So, we googled "Tunisia and WWII" and discovered the following:

~Tunisia was part of the French colonial empire before World War II.

~The Allies invaded the area as part of the invasion of North Africa in 1942.

~The Germans moved into Tunisia by water from Sicily and were able to stop the
Allied drive short of the Tunisian capital of Tunis.

Who said video games can't be educational? Okay, that is a loaded question and will have to wait for another post because I do have lots to say on this subject.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I think a lot of the video games can be educational. I think they're are some that are totally inappropriate for kids and have ruined it for the good games.
