Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose

A few years ago, my good friend Olif and I read the book The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose by Dan Millman. She recently reminded me that I might want to revisit this book. I am glad I did. The book is based on energies and how we were each born with certain potentials. Sometimes the potentials that we are born with can be the biggest hurdles we have to overcome if we aren't using them as a positive.

This book makes so much sense to me and I felt my number described what I have been learning about myself over the years - I fit into the expressive/emotional group. I have a high need to express my emotional side but also that of others. This can be a positive when used to help people while teaching or sharing in small groups but can also be a negative in the fact that this group of people tends to take on the feelings of friends and family as if their problems were their own.

The book is a good reminder to me of the positives in my personality but also a nice reminder that I have some things to work on that will not only help in my relationships with others, but also in my physical well being.


  1. That sounds like something I need to read.

  2. Cathy:
    If you wouldn't mine sharing the book, I'd love to borrow it. Wait! Maybe my local library will have a copy! I always range in the bossy side of life...but a happy & fair bossy!

  3. As we grow up, we start accumulating expectations of our family, friends and the society around us. We are conscious of what we are expected to do and how we are expected to behave. I'm exploring personal life coaching and it is a wonderful journey of self discovery.
