Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Good Thing

You know you have a good thing when you leave the house in the morning and come home to a clean house. Yesterday morning I joined a few other homeschooling moms for an hour drive north to hear author Resa Brown speak. I left a note for the kids with a few chores to do while I was gone and everything on the list was complete. Not only that but Alexander completed the list on his own while Sophia, who is sick, slept. She said she woke up and everything was finished. Isn't he the greatest???!!! My mom would have said "angels" came while I was gone. My kids are definitely my little angels.

Sophia was sick with a fever, sore throat and headache. When she is sick, she just wants her momma by her side. So, when I got home yesterday afternoon until this morning, she has pretty much been laying in my arms. I like that she can tell me she needs me like this. She told me once that even though she doesn't like for her or me to be sick, she does enjoy these days because we lay together talking, reading, and watching TV all day. I enjoy it too! What a good thing to share with my daughter.


  1. Wow, that's impressive that your son did not only his chores but your daughters, too. I can wait until my daughter is a little older :)

    I'm sorry Sophia isn't feeling well but when ever your children want to snuggle it's always a good thing.

  2. You are blessed! Praying that Sophia will be well quickly.

  3. Wow! I hope that is in my future. :-)
