Tuesday night I started back to work with a new group of ESL (English as a Second Language) students. They are a delightful group of people with a variety of personalities and I could tell from the first night that the energy is good. The next eight weeks should be enjoyable.
When I taught 5th grade years ago, I worked in an elementary school with a large number of limited English proficient students so I was constantly team teaching with reading specialists or Spanish translators. I became accustomed to having a peer in the classroom with me and really enjoyed it. However, in the last seven years of teaching adults, I have been solo. That changed on Tuesday night. I will have a new experience this quad. I am going to be working with a sign language interrupter for one of my students from Thailand. This student is not only learning English but she is also learning American sign language. I guess I never thought of sign language being different around the world. Isn't that interesting?
Hi Cathy! I didn't know you taught ESL. One of my best friends does that and I think she lives near you! I also started a masters in ESL but never finished. How fun. Another thing we have in common. :)