Sunday, January 18, 2009

Proximity Award

Meaning of the Award:‘This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propogated. Please give more attention to these writers!’

Thanks to Sherry, my older sister and friend for this award! Through her blog I feel that we have become closer and I have learned so much about her and believe she has learned more about me through my blog.

I have to admit that I never really know what to do with awards. I feel good when I receive one, but then I feel a sense of anxiety as to whether others will appreciate it, ignore it or feel like it is a chore. So, generally, I just pass them along to family members. This time however, I decided to go outside my usual self and pass this award along to a some of my blogger friends. It has meant a lot to me to read posts and emails back and forth from these blogger friends who are sharing in many of the same life choices as me and I have been inspired by each of their stories.

It took me about four years before I could read the stories of other woman with rheumatoid arthritis because all the stories I initially read scared the pants off me. Stories of going from drug to drug and still experiencing pain. However, when I was ready to read stories again, I somehow found Jill's blog. Jill is the first woman I have met that was also trying to beat RA through alternative methods, rather than drugs. Her posts have motivated me and her emails have made me feel like I am not alone in this disease.

Melissa and I have only recently met and become friends. Melissa's blog is about RA and other amusing things in her life. Although I don't know if she sees herself as a positive person, I find her posts uplifting and her style of writing and looking at life always make me smile.

My friend Jen is both a homeschooling mom and a mom experiencing RA. On Jen's blog she shares stories of homeschooling, family life and a few on RA. She has a deep devotion to God and her family which comes out strongly in her posts.

I have been amazed at how many blogs I have been drawn to that end up sharing not only one, but many similarities in life choices as me.

Ronda's blog is about unschooling, but after emailing each other, we have found we share many other similarities in life. I really appreciate this new friendship.

On Debbie's blog you will find excellent gluten free recipes and other health related information. Debbie is also a homeschooling mom who has turned to alternative health for herself and family. You will find a lot of good information here.

On Heather's blog you will not only find gluten free information but stories of a young mom who is doing everything in her power to make sure her daughter lives a healthy life despite many sensitives. Her parenting style reminds me of myself and I find myself smiling when I read her posts about her daughter.

Last but not least, is Karen's blog which was one of the first blogs I followed and was found while doing a "gluten free" search. I have found so much more on her blog. I always look forward to her comments on my blog and have found her to be a great role model. Karen is a grandma that sold her house and now lives in an RV, traveling to new job sites and sharing her adventures. She has motivated me in family relationships, in growing out my natural hair and much more.

There are many other blogs of course that have touched me, taught me something new and made me smile. Thanks to all my blogger friends. You are each appreciated.


  1. Thanks Cathy! Although I haven't met you face to face, or even on the phone, your friendship through blog land has been an encouragement to me.

  2. thank you so much for your kind words about me. I really appreciate the award, too. It will take me a bit to get it posted to my blog, though because I am so busy doing nothing that I am behind in writing there. I am having such a good time this winter! And, did I tell you that I am growing my hair out long, after having worn it short for 26 years? I am past the annoying stage where I have been tempted to cut it off, now I just need to get to where I can pull it all back in a ponytail.

  3. Cathy, Thank you so much for the award and greatly for your friendship. I'm blushing, so it's good no one can see me. I'm glad to know that you can use my recipes. For a long time I thought no one in the world had to eat like me. I'm glad to find those who do. May God bless you. Thanks again.

  4. I feel the same way about awards. It's nice to be thought of, but then I feel so much pressure. I'm so glad you have met so many new friends through blogging!

    Love ya!!

  5. Thank you so much! Your post brought tears to my eyes! I really appreciate this. I am going to blog about it as soon as I can. I was away (just from the computer) for several days and I am trying to catch up now.

  6. Thanks for the links to these blogs! I saved the two with the gluten free recipes. I have two little ones and use several different flours when I cook but haven't been forced to go completely gluten free. Found you through Sherry. Lisa
