Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas here was nice, especially if you ignore the photo enforced traffic violation ticket that came in the mail on Christmas Eve for me, a big gift that didn't arrive on time, and a leak that was discovered in our kitchen after we were in bed and sent Steve out to clean the gutters at 11:00 PM on a wet night. All memories, right?

Really, those events put a damper on Christmas Eve for a short time, but it is hard to stay in that mood when there was baking to be done with the kids and then two hours of viewing Christmas lights with Steve, the kids and Izzy.

On Christmas day Sophia slept in until about 6:30am which amazed me. I was awake for about an hour waiting on her. Our family rule is nobody goes downstairs until we are all awake. Waiting was hard. I was so excited. Following tradition, we headed down to see what Santa had left for the kids and in our stockings once everyone was awake. Sophia received a mini trampoline from Santa which she has been bouncing on almost non-stop. Alexander's gift from Santa was delayed, but the wait will be worth it - a genuine WWII bayonet. He also received a WWII shovel from us. He loves this kind of stuff. Afterwards we ate breakfast and opened the rest of our gifts which I think everyone was more than pleased with.

I was fortunate to receive many gifts this year - all of which I needed or wanted.
My ears and forehead get extremely cold and uncomfortable even when out for short periods. Thanks Steve, Sophia and Alexander. It is just what I need.

Ever since the kids were very little they have made Christmas gifts for Steve and me. This year Alexander jigsawed puzzle pieces and then wood burned the heart and squiggles. Isn't that a creative idea?

From Sophia I received a crocheted scarf. I love it! This is her first scarf ever. She went to the craft store one day and within a few short days a gift for me was under the tree. I never imagined this would be what was inside. The handmade gifts from the kids always mean so much to me.

This year Alexander wanted a blazer. He looks so grown up and handsome, doesn't he?

The rest of our day was spent eating (I had a planned day off from the diet and enjoyed myself, but didn't go overboard which felt nice), playing Bananagrams, and enjoying each other's company. I hope your Christmas was just as delightful.


  1. Sounds like you had a really, really nice holiday, Cathy. I snorted my coffee when I saw the fur cap, though ... if that doesn't keep your head and ears warm, nothing will. But ... what about your nose? (imagines a nice fur nose-muff...)

    Have a love Day-After-Christmas, full of rest and warmth and comfort. Smiling ...

  2. Wren, thanks for stopping by. The hat is wonderfully warm. No nose-muff, but I do have a face mask I wear if we are out walking the dog or sledding. At this point in my life warmth and comfort always comes before beauty or style. :)

    Enjoy your day too. I am glad this post gave you a smile.

  3. Oh the joys of Christmas memories. One year we started it out with EMS because Darrins blood sugar was critically low, after that we all went back to bed and pretended to sleep so we could start it over. Every Christmas though the kids say "remember the year that EMS was here" they will never forget it.
