Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Alexander and Sophia have a tradition of carving a pumpkin with Steve.  This year they each decided to do their own instead of one.  I think they turned out pretty cute.

Here is Alexander.  He is "Splicer" from the videogame Bioshock.

My little devil.  

This year my kids hosted the Halloween party at our house.  Together they "trick or treated" and then came back to eat chili (I made a Paleo chili and a vegetarian chili.  I think I was successful at not mixing the meat chili spoon with the vegetarian), chicken ziti, chips, cookies and of course lots of candy.   Luckily for Steve and me, many of the parents stayed for the evening.  We REALLY enjoyed ourselves.  I am doing a pretty good job at eliminating sugar and gave the Norcal Margarita a try.  Delicious!!!

This was after "trick or treating".  This is one of my favorite parts of the evening when the kids organize their candy in their own unique ways and then the trading begins. 

RA Update:  We had some crazy high winds last week in Chicago.  Although my heart loved the winds as they reminded me of Kansas, my joints weren't very happy with them.  I had that intense flare in my right shoulder, my left wrist was swollen and in lots of pain and my fingers swelled up.  Oh, my knee and feet were included in all of this too.  For some odd reason I didn't panic, I didn't feel depressed, and I wasn't scared.  I have been feeling so good lately that I just knew this flare was a temporary situation and I needed to remain calm and like the winds, it would pass.  And it did. 


  1. Oh how my body hates wind! Good job in remaining calm, sometimes I don't do so good :)

    Great pumpkins! I loved the eyebrows, but I do love cats :) I also fondly remember "organizing" my candy at the end of the night! Probably one of the most fun parts!

  2. Wait! I must have missed something, are you doing the paleo diet? If so, can't wait to hear more about. Maybe I should just go digging in your archives :)

  3. Pony, yes, I'm falling the Paleo Diet. I love it.

  4. So glad you are telling the wind who is boss.
    Looks like the kids all had a really good time. This is the first year that I was alone on Halloween and I will admit it was rather sad.
    I think it is so funny how you mentioned the spoon with the dishes. When I am making vegetarian dishes for Ashley I almost always dip the spoon from the meat dish in it before realizing I can't do that. She would never eat it if she knew I used the same spoon for both.

  5. Robyn,
    Sorry you were alone, but you looked sexy. :)

    I have a really hard time keeping those two spoons separate. For two days I thought about it, trying to train my mind.

    By the way Pony, I am FOLLOWING the Paleo Diet, not "falling" it. Sometimes typing on the phone is not a good idea. :)

  6. Well, that explains it. The wind.... I never knew. Now I'm wondering how I missed this vital piece of the puzzle!! I am affected by the barometric pressure changing, the temp.s dropping and the humidity. I woke up where I am in TX today to strong winds. I can hear the trees blowing as I write and temps. were a bit lower than usual, and my pain level is definitely at a higher level despite the cleanest diet I have ever been on in my entire life. (My kids Halloween candy calls to me ever so loudly!!)

    So glad you mentioned the wind. And so wonderful to hear that you handled your increased pain with such calm and had a great time with everyone! -Kelli

  7. Sounds like the kiddos had lots of fun. My joints are still dealing with last week’s weather too. I know what you mean about panicking – I don’t either anymore. You just keep going because you have to.

  8. Great costumes and Jack-o-Lanterns!
