Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An Amazing Week

I felt optimist going into this week and titled it my "Amazing Week" before the week even started - I just felt that confident in this week. Why you ask?

1. Although the decision to take a two month round of prednisone was hard, I feel very comfortable with my decision. I am happy to report that after one week it is starting to do its work. Honestly, I can't even put into words how much I needed this physical break.
2. This week I am on Spring Break from work and the weather is in the 60's with sun all week.

It is truly amazing how once you title a week "amazing" your mind focuses in on that message and even with a little disappointing news about my knee x-ray and work schedule this week, my mind has stayed in "amazing" mode and so far I have had an absolutely perfect week.

Besides physically feeling well, my "Amazing Week" was kicked off with Sophia participating in her first ever audition on Friday night. She will be performing in "A Little Princess" in May. She has wanted to audition with this theatre group for a year now and I kept saying, "I need to feel better first." I am glad we went ahead with this goal. I am so proud of her.

After Sophia's audition we headed over to a restaurant/pub where we met friends and listened to Steve perform. They asked him to return the next night at a different location and our friends came out again!

My sleep has been "amazing". For months now I have woke up time after time with extreme pain in my knee and shoulders. To wake up in the morning and realize I slept all night is pure joy.

I walked Izzy all by myself on Sunday!!!! Since October I have been unable to walk Izzy except for a few times. She is an energetic girl with lots of energy and strength. We have done tons of training with her, but she still pulls a lot. If you can imagine, this is not easy on ones shoulders and knee that are already in pain. But, I love walking her. It is one of my favorite things to do and it feels great to be back this week. Each morning the kids and I are taking her to a new park or forest preserve. These long walks with my kids and puppy are just what I needed. My cheeks are even red from the sun today. I LOVE it!

My "Amazing Week" is not over. We have another long walk planned for tomorrow and will even be taking Izzy's friend Bella with us. On Friday and Saturday we are attending the INHOME conference and staying in the hotel which is always fun. Sophia also starts rehearsals this weekend. It will be fun hanging out with friends all weekend, learning some new things, and relaxing. More photos of this "Amazing Week" coming.


  1. HOORAY! So happy to read of your uplifting week. Hope it spills over to the next.

  2. Yay for amazing weeks! :D So glad it has been great! Isn't prednisone wonderful? I wish it didn't have side would be like a miracle drug! Oh well...temporarily it can work wonders! I hope the rest of your week is just as great :)

  3. I'm SO glad you're feeling so much better, Cathy, even if it comes through meds you'd rather not be taking. You really, really DID need a break from all that pain, though. Thank goodness there are drugs like prednisone (even with all its drawbacks) for times like you've been going through.

    And how WONDERFUL that you're able to take your sweet dog for walks. Sometimes that fresh air and change of scenery is as therapeutic as any medication. I'm so happy for you!

    Take care. I hope the prednisone, once you're done with it, has broken that vicious pain cycle and allowed your body to neutralize the terrible flare you've been coping with. Onward and upward, eh?


  4. You look happy out there walking with Izzy! I'm glad you slept better too! That always seems to make a difference.

